what would your life be as a warrior cat?

This quiz is based on the series Warriors by:Erin hunter in it you will be asked questions like your on a patrol with your apprentice and you see a fox you do what? and What charecter is most like you.

Would you be evil? Or would you be a great leader? This short series of questions will give you a short desricpetion of what your life would be like. Until now you could only dream. but you will know for sure if you take this quiz

Created by: catherine
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your an apprentice you have a day of you do what???
  2. You are given an apprentice you try your best to train him to do what??
  3. What is your favorite color
  4. You are in battle you notice your mate and leader(who is on her last life and you are deputy)are pinned. you have a choice to make. who would you save?
  5. you are on a solo patrol you notice a shadowclan warrior is hunting on your territory you look closer its dimshadow you friend what do you do?
  6. you have been seeing twolegs for extra food your kit sepests something they ask you have you been doing anything strange you do what:
  7. what song would describe you?
  8. you are now deputy of your clan what would be running threw your mind?
  9. what name appeals to you?
  10. who are you most like?
  11. pick one
  12. if you were a cat you would want to look like

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Quiz topic: What would my life be as a warrior cat?