What would you say back?

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This quiz is based on roasting people!I have been roasted and I know how to roast now and I thought I would help other people with the same problem too.

In this quiz questions are just things being said to roast you and the answers are just possibilities.So the right answer would just be the best option to say.

Created by: R.Y.
  1. What would you say back to this....Oh Look!It's the ugly one!
  2. What about to this...I don't think your teeth can read properly because you're missing one.
  3. This one?I don't like you!
  4. You're so tall!
  5. You're a nerd!
  6. You have no friends !
  7. You are so fat!
  8. You are a loser!
  9. You are so weird!
  10. Did you like this quiz

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