what would you do? (pee scenarios for girls only)

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this quiz is scenarios for girls because its just fun to answer the questions. me and my friends do it a lot. plus it could get you thinking for a real life situation. so I hope you will enjoy.

I got this idea from my friend at school. it seemed fun so one day I came home and did this. I enjoy making quizzes and I had fun making this so I hope you enjoy it.

Created by: Claudia
  1. you are on a hike at at river. you brought your swimming suit so you can swim in the river. you are with your bff and bf and you need to pee badly. what do you do?
  2. you are at a school event and you really have to pee but the bathroom is closed and the other ones all the way on the other side of the school and your not sure you'll make it. what do you do?
  3. lets say you chose try to hold it. you are about to pee. what do you do
  4. your at the beach and swimming it the water. you have been trying to hold your pee for a while now and you are about to pee. you are with your bff and bf.what do you do?
  5. your on a walk in a city when you suddenly need to pee. you don't know how much longer you can hold it. what do you do?
  6. (you are wearing a swim suit)Your at your friends birth day party. There is a water slide that you are about to get on. For a while you have been ignoring the urge to pee and you have started peeing what do you do?
  7. your in the car with your friend and she really needs to pee. you have gone to many places but none have a public bathroom. shes literally about to pee herself. what do you do?
  8. your at the mall (with the same friend as last question) and your about to pee yourself. what do you do
  9. do you need to pee right now?
  10. have you ever peed yourself?
  11. do you like peeing your self?
  12. was this quiz fun (this doesn't effect your score)

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