what would you do ina a zombie infestation

DO you have what it takes to survive whell lets find out you will be compleating a test lets not hope your a dead man f your veary good at serviving then try this out

If you don,t like what you are then try to become even better than what you are but dont take this test again because you won't be prepared you will just be a liar and wont survive

Created by: tugero

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. when a zombie apocolips dose happen what do you do?
  2. sinario: a zombie brakes into your house and your in you kitchen what do uou do.
  3. sinario: some one you love or your beast friend was bit and you are there what do you do?
  5. you in the safest place in you town and tyeres a hord right out side and you happen to run out of food but a truck of canded goods is in the middle of the hord what do you do.
  6. your in an ally with you friend and he terns into a zombie but you have no wepons but you fists what do you do?
  7. your in a anti zombie bunker and some people are asking fore help and that there friend has a broken leg what do you do?
  8. yo have just leaft a hevily populated place during the apocolips and theres a motel what do you do?
  9. your injored with a broken arm theres a city in the horizon do you risk going there or find a safer place?
  10. what do you do when all else fails...

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