What Would You Do? (Difficult pee scenarios)

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In this quiz, you will be given a some scenarios of pee desperation. In each scenario, you must choose what you think you would most likely do. Be honest!

Some will include extra details of what will happen if you do choose the option. Try not to choose based on the extra details, but on how sensible the idea SEEMS without that.

Created by: RandomQuizzr5
  1. What gender are you?
  2. What age range are you?
  3. Now time for the scenarios! You are in the middle of a collaborative game. Your bladder is bursting, the urge to pee is so bad! If you leave, your teammates will lose, and probably be very mad at you.
  4. You are in a public shower. There is a large gap under the door, and people can see if you peed in there or not. But, you really have to go to the bathroom! What do you do?
  5. You are walking through the woods with a group of good friends, mixed genders. There is a long way left, and your bladder is exploding. What do you do?
  6. You wake up after falling asleep sunbathing. You instantly get hit with the urge to pee. There is a long bathroom line, and you don't know if you can make it. There are lots of people around in the water and the sand who might notice if you pee there. What do you do? (I know there's a LOT to choose here).
  7. You are in a small hot tub with your friends, and you really need to pee. People might notice if you pee in the hot tub, as it is small.
  8. You are in a large mall with a bunch of people. You really need to pee, but are completely lost and don't know where the bathrooms are. What do you do?
  9. You are on public transportation, a really need to pee. Each time the bus runs over a pothole, you pee a little. A small wet spot has begun to form. You don't know how much longer till you can make it. You have 10 minutes until your stop. What do you do?
  10. The lock on your door is jammed, and you can't get out. Your family won't be back to fix it for another hour. Your bladder is to the bursting point. What do you do?
  11. You have to pee really bad, but your friend is in the only bathroom's shower. What do you do?
  12. You wake up in the night with a full bladder. Your abdomen aches. If you move a step, you may burst everywhere. What do you do?
  13. You are swimming in a pool with a wetsuit that is hard to get off. You really need to pee, but peeing in the crowded pool might get you noticed. (Plus you can't so you haven't in 'never have i ever' anymore.)
  14. You are watching the final episode of your favorite TV show live. You are shaking and really have to pee! If you leave now, you will never know what happens unless it is spoiled to you.
  15. You are on live video, showing off doing the splits. You do it, only tor realize your mistake when pee spurts onto your pants, creating a visible wet spot.
  16. Have any of these scenarios happened to you.
  17. Did you pee yourself reading these scenarios?

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