What would you do

Sorry if this quiz was boring or I messed up lol this was my first time making a quiz sorry if everything was messed up but I'll ,ale sure that my next quiz is wayyy better

Sorry if this quiz was boring or I messed up lol this was my first time making a quiz sorry if everything was messed up but I'll ,ale sure that my next quiz is wayyy better

Created by: Jazzypooz

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. The cutest guy in school comes up to you and makes a conversation you
  2. He ask you if after school you'll want to come over to his house note( you are at least 16 17) you say
  3. You go home and get dressed you wear
  4. You get to his houses as you are knocking you are thinking
  5. He opens the door you
  6. He invites you in and tells you to follow him up to his room you
  7. He ask you if you wanted to eat something you say
  8. You leave the room thinking wtf why did I leave you are
  9. You get home your mom asks you where you've been you say
  10. You sleep till next day
  11. I will make part two to did story

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