What would you be treated by me lol

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This is just a quiz if you have things in common with me and stuff and please don't take this seriously and i really wanna show my friends these so dont worry

Just like the first one, Do not take this seriously lol, But yall can add me in IG of course but before we do. I really appreciate that you took this quiz or not so now. IG : Jannimeomeo

Created by: Jannimeomeo
  1. Your fav genre :P
  2. Pick a Shop/Online shops too!
  3. Pick an Artist o((>ω< ))o
  4. Pick a style :o
  5. Pick a Food :p
  6. Pick a Beverage :D
  7. Pick a fav season!
  8. Pick a game :v
  9. Pick an App!
  10. And last but not least, Pick an celebrity!

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