what would you be if you were not human

thi is a quick quiz that will tell you what you might besides a human.you may be a normal human or even a crazy human a hunting human a demon a vampire alien zombie

if you take this quiz it will tell you the truth and you will hope fully be happy with your result.if you arent try once more.this is a fun quiz i hope you get good results

Created by: iamgabe98
  1. if you would be able to go some where would you just go to some place on earth or go some where on a whole other universe
  2. do you like this planet earth
  3. have you thought about life and the meaning of it
  4. do you care about others
  5. are you worried about future
  6. do you believe in monsters
  7. have you thought about humans being ignorant and dumb
  8. do you like your life
  9. do you like electronics
  10. do you think your happy with the quiz scores you will get

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