What would be your lion name?

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Are you ready to find out your lion name? That's what this quiz is here to help with!

Answer the questions below and you will receive a lion name. One of six great and powerful names, which represents you best. I hope you enjoy.

Created by: OmegaWolf9

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Ok so this quiz is pretty much based on the lion king and the name will have to do with your personality. If you guys like this quiz i will make a quiz called: what would be your wolf name? Enjoy.
  2. You are a little cub! What is your biggest wish?
  3. And what is your biggest fear as a cub?
  4. Rp time. So you are a teen, your mother and father are evil and when they have killed somebody, they AND YOU get banned from the pride forever and are sent to a place with almost no food, no water, and almost always dry and warm. What do you do/say/yell?
  5. So you have been living there for a week already. But your family is running low on food. What do you do?
  6. You walk close to the border of the lands when you see your boy/girlfriend from the other land. You run towards him/her and you have a nice chat again. Your parents come and start arguing. What do you do?
  7. Rp time over. What do you wanna be out of these?
  8. Which of these sentences fits you?( they're from the lion king (; )
  9. Pick a word.
  10. Ready?

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Quiz topic: What would be my lion name?