What World War II Aircraft Are You?

Aircraft in world war II were a big part in the success in the allies victory in defeating Nazi Germany and the empire of japan. this is a fun little quiz for people who barely know any thing about planes in world war 2.

If you know a bunch about aircraft in world war 2 still give it a shot. I know a bunch since i wrap my whole life around aircraft and the history of world war II.

Created by: zach
  1. You see a German Fighter on your six (behind you) what do you do?
  2. Which style of fighting are you with?
  3. Your a tail gunner in a bomber and a enemy fighter approaches. What do you do?
  4. What was the country most advanced in aircraft technoligy
  5. Bombs, bullets, or unguided rockets (only rockets they had back in the 40's)
  6. (This has no affect on anything) Yes for Republican election or Democrat election (presidency)
  7. Warrior, Protector, Hero, Destroyer
  8. You get a message over the radio to provide air support and destroy enemy artillery. what do you do?
  9. what old aircraft movie?
  10. What World War II aircraft are you most fond with

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Quiz topic: What World War II Aircraft am I?