What wolf pack would you be in if you were a wolf?

Are you a wolf lover? Do you like pretending to be a wolf, and joining a pack? Maybe you do! But maybe, just maybe, you can't think of a name or setting for your pack. Maybe...

Maybe this quiz is for you! Come and see your pack and what setting it is, and please, please.... enjoy! Thanks for playing this quiz, my friend! *dun dun*

Created by: Rebecca

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You would like to have ____ coloring.
  2. Your eyes would be in the range of...
  3. How long would your fur be? (if you had any..)
  4. If made your OWN pack, it would be in...
  5. If you were a wolf, your best ability would be...
  6. If you made a pack, you wouldn't worry if your most common enemy was a...
  7. As a wolf, how tough would you be, out of 10%?
  8. If you made a pack, you would want ____ to be the commonest food.
  9. The thing that scares you most would be....
  10. Your favorite wolf breed is a....

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