What wolf name are u

Whwhich is ur wolf name find out in this quiz is it ur favourite colour ? or ur favourite name find out now

Which wolfname are u?? do u have the skill to kill are u a leader are u a wairror or a spy? find out here now thats to this quiz you can see in a matter of seconds

Created by: epic
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You see a diffrent pack fighting but loosing what do u do
  2. Ur leader is diying what do u do?
  3. Your mate is flirting with somebody else what do u do ?
  4. You have a bad day and ur leader asks u to go hunting
  5. You are finally made leader what do u do ??
  6. You are to bored of this quiz
  7. What would ur fur be
  8. You was fighting with another leader 1 day and thought why am i fighting
  9. Your pack has died and u are alone with ur mate who dident get killed u head to the forest where the humans are how do u feel?

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