What WoF tribe are you? (Pyrrhia only)

This is my second personality quiz and my third quiz. I did not intend for it to be one hundred percent accurate, it is just for fun. I hope you enjoy this quiz!

There are ten questions and seven results. I hope you are satisfied with what you got. Please comment what quiz I should do next ok you can start now.

Created by: Lucy
  1. Alright, first question, are you looking forward to this quiz?
  2. You are almost asleep when you see some NightWings kidnap a RainWing. What do you do?
  3. How are you feeling?
  4. What do you want to get?
  5. What is your favorite hobby?
  6. Be honest, What do you think you will get? (Doesn’t affect answer)
  7. What is your element?
  8. What is your favorite food?
  9. What’s more important to you?
  10. Last question are you excited for your results?

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Quiz topic: What WoF tribe am I? (Pyrrhia only)
