What WOF Phyrrian tribe are you?

My fourth quiz already! This quiz is just to find out what Phyrrian tribe you are. Sorry no Pantalan tribes yet, I will do one of those soon though. Answers come with description.

Answers might also come with abilities and/or queen if Description is too short. I hope you like the quiz and are satisfied with your answers! The quiz isn't very accurate, so I apologise for that.

Created by: WOF fan
  1. Hello!
  2. sorry but..... favourite color?
  3. What tribe do you think you will get?
  4. How much Wings Of Fire have you read?
  5. Favourite tribe?
  6. Least favourite tribe?
  7. Gender?
  8. Which word describes you best?
  9. Fate
  10. bye!

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Quiz topic: What WOF Phyrrian tribe am I?
