What WoF dragonet of destiny r u?

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In this quiz you will be answering questions and doing role play to find out which dragonet of destiny you are! Jsncjjnajfjnxn isnviosjvnxkkskdmcnndmc

You can get either Clay, Tsunami, Glory, Starflight, and Sunny! Niajbjijvhshvubdjcsncusjvodkdouaxnusfneufjdc sncjjnajfjnxn isnviosjvnxkkskdmcnndmcjcjc

Created by: i like stuff
  1. What food would you eat everyday?
  2. Here comes role play of your 1st day at school!
  3. You walk into your first class and see 5 IceWings in the corner. What do you do?
  4. When the bell rings you see your winglet. Sky walks up and asks: Do you like snails?!
  5. At class everyone introduces themselves. How do you introduce yourself?
  6. During summer break at the beach you see a storm of odd dragons rushing onto the beach. What do you do?
  7. What dragonet do you want to get? (Won’t effect result)
  8. Which dragonet do you think you’ll be? (Won’t effect result)
  9. Ok so this is the last question: You mother is making you the worst food ever and she doesn’t know you are allergic to it. You never complain about food so you can’t tell her about this. What do you do?
  10. The quiz is over! Did you enjoy? Comment and rate!

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