What wizards of Waverley place character ae you?

Do you want to know is you are Alex Justin or max from wizards of Waverley place? Well take this quiz then, it will find if you are a wiz kid or a downfall

If you take this quiz then you will be a qenius if you are Justin, a bit dumb if max and reasonably smart and a tiny bit dumb if you are Alex, take this quiz you know you want to

Created by: Lucy
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you get in to trouble often?
  2. What are your grades at school?
  3. Have you got style?
  4. Do you have any siblings
  5. Who are your sibling?
  6. Did you like this quiz?
  7. Do you wear sparkles?
  8. Are you good at magic
  9. Will you comment on my quiz
  10. Would you take this quiz again

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