What Wings Of Fire Tribe Do You Belong To? | Comments

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  • Your Result: Seawing 74%

    Ah, the Seawings. Born into a tribe full of literature and artwork, even your home the Summer Palace is a work of art. You love all things to do with art (and/or) writing, and are very good at it yourself. You take great pride in your work and want to show your inner expression to the world. You often are the type who become great teachers, with your patience and ability to tell magnificent stories. You even have your own language that only other Seawings can speak known as Aquatic.

    On the down side you can be a bit self conscious when it comes to sharing your work, wanting everyone to love it. You tend to be a perfectionist, and are never truly satisfied with your work no matter how good others say it is. On the battlefield you have a disadvantage as you have no natural weapon (fire, Ice, venom, etc.) but are the only tribe that can fully breath underwater.

    You are a majestic Seawing. I got this soooo many times... Amazing Quiz!

    Weston Johnson
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  • Ah, the Sandwings. You are born into a long line of brilliant leaders. You can survive in some of the most barren places on the planet, hence why you have the largest territory. You are very determined, and it is very hard to shake you from achieving your goal. HECK, if someone tells you you can't do it all you want to do is prove them wrong. You're filled to the brim with pure determination and dazzling spirit. Unlike other tribes you have TWO natural weapons: a poisonous barbed tail and fire breath.

    You can be blinded by passion and determination. Some may see you as hard headed, and you generally dislike change. You hate when your beliefs are questioned. Sometimes you don't know when to quit, and prefer to "go down with the ship" and sacrifice yourself over others.

    You are a determined Sandwing.

    This is definitely me, this quiz is very accurate and if I knew how to rate it or if you could rate it i'd give it 5 stars, congratulations to whoever made this!

    • 78%

      Ah, the Seawings. Born into a tribe full of literature and artwork, even your home the Summer Palace is a work of art. You love all things to do with art (and/or) writing, and are very good at it yourself. You take great pride in your work and want to show your inner expression to the world. You often are the type who become great teachers, with your patience and ability to tell magnificent stories. You even have your own language that only other Seawings can speak known as Aquatic.

      On the down side you can be a bit self conscious when it comes to sharing your work, wanting everyone to love it. You tend to be a perfectionist, and are never truly satisfied with your work no matter how good others say it is. On the battlefield you have a disadvantage as you have no natural weapon (fire, Ice, venom, etc.) but are the only tribe that can fully breath underwater.

      You are a majestic Seawing.

      Show Full Comment
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  • Your Result: Sandwings 86%

    Ah, the Sandwings. You are born into a long line of brilliant leaders. You can survive in some of the most barren places on the planet, hence why you have the largest territory. You are very determined, and it is very hard to shake you from achieving your goal. HECK, if someone tells you you can't do it all you want to do is prove them wrong. You're filled to the brim with pure determination and dazzling spirit. Unlike other tribes you have TWO natural weapons: a poisonous barbed tail and fire breath.

    You can be blinded by passion and determination. Some may see you as hard headed, and you generally dislike change. You hate when your beliefs are questioned. Sometimes you don't know when to quit, and prefer to "go down with the ship" and sacrifice yourself over others.

    You are a determined Sandwing.
    Awesome quiz. Couldn't be much better :D

    Load Older Replies
    • Nightwings are much better than anybody

    • hello fellow ice wings!

      im a poo head
    • I hate seawings all of them beside tsunami coral anemone and summer and turtle other than them I'd rather be a sandwing-nightwing-rainwing animus tribrid like my oc

    • Now I got a i e wing I love ice wings but I think am a night wing becase I LOVE BOOKS!!!!!

    • G

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  • What Wings Of Fire Tribe Do You Belong To?
    Your Result: Sandwings 86%

    Ah, the Sandwings. You are born into a long line of brilliant leaders. You can survive in some of the most barren places on the planet, hence why you have the largest territory. You are very determined, and it is very hard to shake you from achieving your goal. HECK, if someone tells you you can't do it all you want to do is prove them wrong. You're filled to the brim with pure determination and dazzling spirit. Unlike other tribes you have TWO natural weapons: a poisonous barbed tail and fire breath.

    You can be blinded by passion and determination. Some may see you as hard headed, and you generally dislike change. You hate when your beliefs are questioned. Sometimes you don't know when to quit, and prefer to "go down with the ship" and sacrifice yourself over others.

    You are a determined Sandwing.
    78% Seawing
    72% Nightwings
    70% Skywings
    57% Icewings
    32% Mudwings
    26% Rainwings

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  • Your Result: Seawing 82%

    Ah, the Seawings. Born into a tribe full of literature and artwork, even your home the Summer Palace is a work of art. You love all things to do with art (and/or) writing, and are very good at it yourself. You take great pride in your work and want to show your inner expression to the world. You often are the type who become great teachers, with your patience and ability to tell magnificent stories. You even have your own language that only other Seawings can speak known as Aquatic.

    On the down side you can be a bit self conscious when it comes to sharing your work, wanting everyone to love it. You tend to be a perfectionist, and are never truly satisfied with your work no matter how good others say it is. On the battlefield you have a disadvantage as you have no natural weapon (fire, Ice, venom, etc.) but are the only tribe that can fully breath underwater.

    You are a majestic Seawing.

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  • The version of the nightwing one to fit me:

    Ah, the Nightwings. You are from a tribe of thinkers and analysts. You dont like to challenge yourself as if stresses you out, you are also not great in fights as you tend to panic. You enjoy reading as much as you can, and it's hard for you to put a scroll down. You tend to look at other people and tend to break things down to try and find out if they hate you or not, this could have you accidentally not trusting people you should by looking past all the good things theyve done

    Your love for learning can lead you to be very introverted and dislike others (especially other dragon tribes). You prefer laying in the shadows hiding your true personality to the outside world and letting them think that you are quiet.

    You are a quiet Nightwing.

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  • your result: sandwing 90%

    Ah, the Sandwings. You are born into a long line of brilliant leaders. You can survive in some of the most barren places on the planet, hence why you have the largest territory. You are very determined, and it is very hard to shake you from achieving your goal. HECK, if someone tells you you can't do it all you want to do is prove them wrong. You're filled to the brim with pure determination and dazzling spirit. Unlike other tribes you have TWO natural weapons: a poisonous barbed tail and fire breath.

    You can be blinded by passion and determination. Some may see you as hard headed, and you generally dislike change. You hate when your beliefs are questioned. Sometimes you don't know when to quit, and prefer to "go down with the ship" and sacrifice yourself over others.

    You are a determined Sandwing.

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  • Ah, the Nightwings. You are from a tribe of thinkers and analysts. You love to challenge yourself mentally and are a great aid in strategizing battles. You enjoy learning as much as you can, and it's hard for you to put a scroll down. You tend to look at the world and break things down in your head to figure out how things work, which serves you well in battle against a more powerful opponent.

    Your love for learning can lead you to be very introverted and dislike others (especially other dragon tribes). Your ability to analyze may also lead to you wishing to take advantage of others to advance a greater goal. You prefer laying in the shadows hiding your true personality to the outside world and letting them think that you are mysterious and mighty.

    You are a contemplative Nightwing.

    This definitely sounds like me, i feel like I might have been more seawing though... otherwise its very accurate

    Some dragon
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  • My result: Seawings 86%

    "Ah, the Seawings. Born into a tribe full of literature and artwork, even your home the Summer Palace is a work of art. You love all things to do with art (and/or) writing, and are very good at it yourself.

    You take great pride in your work and want to show your inner expression to the world. You often are the type who become great teachers, with your patience and ability to tell magnificent stories.

    You even have your own language that only other Seawings can speak known as Aquatic.On the down side you can be a bit self conscious when it comes to sharing your work, wanting everyone to love it.

    You tend to be a perfectionist, and are never truly satisfied with your work no matter how good others say it is. On the battlefield you have a disadvantage as you have no natural weapon (fire, Ice, venom, etc.) but are the only tribe that can fully breath underwater.You are a majestic Seawing."

    Sounds accurate to me .w.

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  • Nightwings 88%

    Ah, the Nightwings. You are from a tribe of thinkers and analysts. You love to challenge yourself mentally and are a great aid in strategizing battles. You enjoy learning as much as you can, and it's hard for you to put a scroll down. You tend to look at the world and break things down in your head to figure out how things work, which serves you well in battle against a more powerful opponent.

    Your love for learning can lead you to be very introverted and dislike others (especially other dragon tribes). Your ability to analyze may also lead to you wishing to take advantage of others to advance a greater goal. You prefer laying in the shadows hiding your true personality to the outside world and letting them think that you are mysterious and mighty.

    You are a contemplative Nightwing.
    61% Seawing
    56% Mudwings
    51% Sandwings
    40% Skywings
    32% Icewings
    30% Rainwings

    • Im more of a nightwing i got 90%

    • Ha I have the most nightwing I got 0% XD

    • I got 93% Nightwing

      Dragon Friend
    • Why is everyone getting seawing I pressed what I think some random people I know would press and never got seawing

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  • Your Result: Sandwings 77%

    Ah, the Sandwings. You are born into a long line of brilliant leaders. You can survive in some of the most barren places on the planet, hence why you have the largest territory. You are very determined, and it is very hard to shake you from achieving your goal. HECK, if someone tells you you can't do it all you want to do is prove them wrong. You're filled to the brim with pure determination and dazzling spirit. Unlike other tribes you have TWO natural weapons: a poisonous barbed tail and fire breath.

    You can be blinded by passion and determination. Some may see you as hard headed, and you generally dislike change. You hate when your beliefs are questioned. Sometimes you don't know when to quit, and prefer to "go down with the ship" and sacrifice yourself over others.

    You are a determined Sandwing.

    Truth. This is very true lol especially the leader part...

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  • Ah, the Seawings. Born into a tribe full of literature and artwork, even your home the Summer Palace is a work of art. You love all things to do with art (and/or) writing, and are very good at it yourself. You take great pride in your work and want to show your inner expression to the world. You often are the type who become great teachers, with your patience and ability to tell magnificent stories. You even have your own language that only other Seawings can speak known as Aquatic.

    On the down side you can be a bit self conscious when it comes to sharing your work, wanting everyone to love it. You tend to be a perfectionist, and are never truly satisfied with your work no matter how good others say it is. On the battlefield you have a disadvantage as you have no natural weapon (fire, Ice, venom, etc.) but are the only tribe that can fully breath underwater.

    You are a majestic Seawing. yes

    • POTATO

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  • Ah, the Mudwings. You are the most loyal of all tribes, and honour family and friends above anything else. Generally you are very kind nd gentle, but can be quite clumsy and bulky. Perhaps you were born from a blood red egg, and may be completely fire-proof, which is great in battles (Which generally you try to avoid.) You are built firm and stocky, and it is hard for dragons to physically push you around. When you are around other dragon tribes you tend to find yourself the largest in the room.

    As a down side you are normally quite introverted and shy, and find it hard to meet with new people. You may even find it scary. You may also find yourself taken advantage of and have a hard time building up the courage to put a stop to it.

    You are a bashful Mudwing!
    74% Rainwings
    59% Sandwings
    58% Seawing
    53% Skywings
    50% Nightwings
    26% Icewings

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  • Ah, the Mudwings. You are the most loyal of all tribes, and honor family and friends above anything else. Generally, you are very kind and gentle but can be quite clumsy and bulky. Perhaps you were born from a blood-red egg and maybe completely fire-proof, which is great in battles (Which generally you try to avoid.) You are built firm and stocky, and it is hard for dragons to physically push you around. When you are around other dragon tribes you tend to find yourself the largest in the room.

    As a downside, you are normally quite introverted and shy, and find it hard to meet new people. You may even find it scary. You may also find yourself taken advantage of and have a hard time building up the courage to put a stop to it.

    You are a bashful Mudwing!

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  • Your Result: Mudwings 85%

    Ah, the Mudwings. You are the most loyal of all tribes, and honour family and friends above anything else. Generally you are very kind nd gentle, but can be quite clumsy and bulky. Perhaps you were born from a blood red egg, and may be completely fire-proof, which is great in battles (Which generally you try to avoid.) You are built firm and stocky, and it is hard for dragons to physically push you around. When you are around other dragon tribes you tend to find yourself the largest in the room.

    As a down side you are normally quite introverted and shy, and find it hard to meet with new people. You may even find it scary. You may also find yourself taken advantage of and have a hard time building up the courage to put a stop to it.

    You are a bashful Mudwing!

    Yes that is all true I will give this quiz 5 stars

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  • Ah, the Mudwings. You are the most loyal of all tribes, and honour family and friends above anything else. Generally you are very kind nd gentle, but can be quite clumsy and bulky. Perhaps you were born from a blood red egg, and may be completely fire-proof, which is great in battles (Which generally you try to avoid.) You are built firm and stocky, and it is hard for dragons to physically push you around. When you are around other dragon tribes you tend to find yourself the largest in the room.

    As a down side you are normally quite introverted and shy, and find it hard to meet with new people. You may even find it scary. You may also find yourself taken advantage of and have a hard time building up the courage to put a stop to it.

    You are a bashful Mudwing!

    • Result: 86% MudWing! This is really accurate to me especially the introverted shy part, i give this quiz a wonderful 5 stars!

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  • Your Result: Seawing 78%

    Ah, the Seawings. Born into a tribe full of literature and artwork, even your home the Summer Palace is a work of art. You love all things to do with art (and/or) writing, and are very good at it yourself. You take great pride in your work and want to show your inner expression to the world. You often are the type who become great teachers, with your patience and ability to tell magnificent stories. You even have your own language that only other Seawings can speak known as Aquatic.

    On the down side you can be a bit self conscious when it comes to sharing your work, wanting everyone to love it. You tend to be a perfectionist, and are never truly satisfied with your work no matter how good others say it is. On the battlefield you have a disadvantage as you have no natural weapon (fire, Ice, venom, etc.) but are the only tribe that can fully breath underwater.

    You are a majestic Seawing.

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  • Your Result: SeaWing 91%

    Ah, the Seawings. Born into a tribe full of literature and artwork, even your home the Summer Palace is a work of art. You love all things to do with art (and/or) writing, and are very good at it yourself. You take great pride in your work and want to show your inner expression to the world. You often are the type who become great teachers, with your patience and ability to tell magnificent stories. You even have your own language that only other Seawings can speak known as Aquatic.

    On the down side you can be a bit self conscious when it comes to sharing your work, wanting everyone to love it. You tend to be a perfectionist, and are never truly satisfied with your work no matter how good others say it is. On the battlefield you have a disadvantage as you have no natural weapon (fire, Ice, venom, etc.) but are the only tribe that can fully breath underwater.

    You are a majestic Seawing.

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  • What Wings Of Fire Tribe Do You Belong To?
    Your Result: Seawing 74%

    Ah, the Seawings. Born into a tribe full of literature and artwork, even your home the Summer Palace is a work of art. You love all things to do with art (and/or) writing, and are very good at it yourself. You take great pride in your work and want to show your inner expression to the world. You often are the type who become great teachers, with your patience and ability to tell magnificent stories. You even have your own language that only other Seawings can speak known as Aquatic.

    On the down side you can be a bit self conscious when it comes to sharing your work, wanting everyone to love it. You tend to be a perfectionist, and are never truly satisfied with your work no matter how good others say it is. On the battlefield you have a disadvantage as you have no natural weapon (fire, Ice, venom, etc.) but are the only tribe that can fully breath underwater.

    You are a majestic Seawing.
    66% Icewings
    58% Sandwings
    54% Skywings
    51% Rainwings
    45% Nightwings
    35% Mudwings

    female foxo
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  • Ah, the Icewings, arguably the most interesting tribe. Your body can survive some of the most freezing temperatures nature throws at you. Not only that, you have a very powerful weapon of ice breath. Life in the ice kingdom is tough; you strive every day to improve yourself as best you can. You are good at setting achievable goals, and always keep a promise. Your tribe is also heard of to be very romantic, and a Icewing makes a perfect, loyal soulmate.

    On the downside you may also be seen to have a bit of an ego or hot-headed. You believe your tribe is the BEST, and NO ONE will tell you otherwise.

    You are a proud Icewing.

    I thought I would be a Seawing but this works too! Noice

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  • Your Result: IceWings 80%

    Ah, the Icewings, arguably the most interesting tribe. Your body can survive some of the most freezing temperatures nature throws at you. Not only that, you have a very powerful weapon of ice breath. Life in the ice kingdom is tough; you strive every day to improve yourself as best you can. You are good at setting achievable goals, and always keep a promise. Your tribe is also heard of to be very romantic, and a Icewing makes a perfect, loyal soulmate.

    On the downside you may also be seen to have a bit of an ego or hot-headed. You believe your tribe is the BEST, and NO ONE will tell you otherwise.

    You are a proud Icewing.
    This very much is me.

    Oof you ded
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  • I got sandwing and Im glad I did

    Though personally I believe Im more nightwing and seawing( coming from my results from other tests) but being sandwing is perfect with me. Sandwings are one of the best tribes and the most cared about.( cough cough rainwings) I am proud to be apart of the sandwing family. SANDWINGS FOR LIFE!!!!!!

    • sandwings are the best determined and hard headed not to meantion deadly =)

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  • Ah, the Rainwings. You are from a tribe of the happiest, bubbliest and most colorful dragons to grace the world. You are always looking on the bright side of life and see the good in every dragon, trying your best to be as kind as you can. You always have a little hop in your stride and pick a new colour for your scales everyday to impress the world. Unknown for many years to other dragon tribes, you have a deadly weapon, powerful venom, which can burn any living thing.

    On the down side you can be a bit too optimistic and perhaps ignorant at times, and often taken advantage of. You also procrastinate and can be very sluggish and lazy, getting little work done.

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  • Ah, the Icewings, arguably the most interesting tribe. Your body can survive some of the most freezing temperatures nature throws at you. Not only that, you have a very powerful weapon of ice breath. Life in the ice kingdom is tough; you strive every day to improve yourself as best you can. You are good at setting achievable goals, and always keep a promise. Your tribe is also heard of to be very romantic, and a Icewing makes a perfect, loyal soulmate.

    On the downside you may also be seen to have a bit of an ego or hot-headed. You believe your tribe is the BEST, and NO ONE will tell you otherwise.

    You are a proud Icewing.

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  • I think I'd be a nightwing/icewing hybrid, I love books, I'm used to mean comments, I'm strong, intelligent, I normally sit by myself, I have a pretty good death stare tbh... I'd be a black icewing, with black frost breath, and white underwings with black stars on it!

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