What Wings Of Fire Tribe Are You From?

In this quiz you will discover what wings of fire tribe you are from based on your personality. You will also discover what it means to be in that tribe.

Please if you have not read the books read them first is is wings of fire buy tui. T. Sutherland I don't wanna give any spoilers! Read at least the first 11 books!

Created by: Madison Karr
  1. If I were to kill your best friend, what would you do?
  2. What queen do you want to rule?
  3. Do you believe in prophecies?
  4. What's your personality type?
  5. What do you do in a fight?
  6. Are you a leader or a follower?
  7. What do you like to eat?
  8. Are you annoyed at all the questions?
  9. Okay your done!
  10. Just kidding!
  11. What's you favorite subject?

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Quiz topic: What Wings Of Fire Tribe am I From?
