What Wings of Fire Tribe are You?

Do you guys love wings of fire? TAKE MY QUIZ!!!!!!!!!!! this is my first quiz………. And I hate the formatting I HATE IT SO MUCH! Please help me peeps I need yo!

I hate this….. please help me I need at least a smile… pleeese! I know peeps hate asking buuuut I need this guys… so please help, it’s for a good course

Created by: Nightharker
  1. What type of place are you MOST at home in?
  2. What is yo diet
  3. What tribe do YOU think you’re in?
  4. Will you save meeeeee?
  5. Are you at one with friendship?
  7. Cats vs Dogs
  8. Question
  9. Did you like iiiiiiiiiiiiiit?
  10. Goodbye

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Quiz topic: What Wings of Fire Tribe am I?
