what wings of fire tribe are you

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This quiz is the quiz the you are going to find out what tribe you are in and it might be obvious but please don´t just pick the answer that you want to be

and be kind to people today and have fun taking this quiz and be nice to me it is my first time so it may not be perfect so i hope you like it and have a good day

Created by: maryn
  1. would you rather be hot or cold
  2. What would you do if your friends are in trouble
  3. Where would you like to live
  4. do you like seafood or barbecue
  5. would you like to have your eggs together or not
  6. would you like to swim and not have to come back up for air or have animus powers
  7. would you like to be hidden or stay in the open
  8. do you hate the nightwings or not
  9. would you like to have fun or sleep
  10. what is your favorite color

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Quiz topic: What wings of fire tribe am I
