What wings of fire tribe are you?

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Sooo, this is my first quiz, sorry it is so short. This is mostly for people on winter turning and up (like me) There are not Leafwings or Hivewings because I am only on book 7.

Please enjoy my quiz. Like I said, this my first quiz so it might be broken so please don't judge. :P I hope you like this quiz. on the results, some of the pictures got cut off. Sorry.

Created by: Kitteh_life
  1. You are arriving at a newly built school. how do you act?
  2. In your friend group you are...
  3. how loyal are you to your siblings?
  4. how do you feel about everything?
  5. What do you want to be?
  6. what dragonet of destiny are you?
  7. How do you feel about animus dragons?
  8. True or false,You think power is important
  9. Sorry this so short
  10. Heres the end

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Quiz topic: What wings of fire tribe am I?
