What will your kid look like when you have one

This quiz tells you what your future kid will look like. Do you think you know? Do you have any idea? If you do play the quiz to see if your close. Thank you.

Note that this quiz does not tell exact answers and some questions will determine nothing at all, please be respectful to me, yourself and others, comment what YOU got.

Created by: Piper Alanso

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What place is most interesting to you
  2. What would you do when it's snowing
  3. How many kids
  4. What pet
  5. Pick a color
  6. Pick a quickly picked joke
  7. What type of music
  8. pick a youtuber
  9. How do you fell about getting your answers
  10. What if I say we are done?
  11. But we are done!

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Quiz topic: What will Ir kid look like when you have one