What will you die from?

This is just a quiz for fun. It tells you how you may die in the future. There are only 12 questions so don't worry it's not long. Have fun. And don't do anything irrational.

How will you die? Want to find out? Well this quiz will tell you how you die? At least a potential way you could die. For all I know you're immortal.!

Created by: AA73967bb
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you ever go out?
  2. Do you ever go out?
  3. If you ever go out do you...
  4. Do you ever go out and party with friends?
  5. If you're under 18 or between 18-20, do you smoke?
  6. Are you depressed or suicidal?
  7. If you could be anything what would you be?
  8. Okay down to the last three questions finally. Do you like to go to family or friend events?
  9. Two. Did you like this quiz.
  10. 1. Remember this is just a quiz it's not real.

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Quiz topic: What will I die from?