What will you be when you grow up

Hey this quiz is to see what you will be when you grow up. the quiz wont be accurate at all just to let you know. So dont be mad if it is a answer you didnt expect. I know if took the quiz and got the answer it probably wouldnt be accurate exept if it said i would be a hip hop artist.

Do you know what you want to be when you grow up. well its probably time to find out if you havent.So take the quiz and see if it is rightif its not message me so i can maybe chang it. I might and I might not just to let you know.

Created by: Lexus

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How well can you sing?
  2. do you speak loud and clearly
  3. Are you a lazy and sleep- in person
  4. If you had to choose would you be locked in your room for 5 days, have to memorize five rap songs and cant miss a word or not make money for five years (when your able to work)
  5. Who do you like more
  6. Whp do miss more
  7. Is hip hop your passion
  8. Do you like speaking in front of crowds
  9. Are you afraid to succeed
  10. Are you ready to plan your career if you havent already

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Quiz topic: What will I be when you grow up You can find more quizzes like this one in our Career Quiz category.