What will you be in your future life?

To anyone who has ever wondered what they will be in their future life, this is a quiz for you. I hope you enjoy it.

Imagine you died and came back as something other than human. You get to start over, but this time you are some type of animal. Which will you be? Find out now!

Created by: Cocoloko
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. how would your friends describe you?
  2. how good are you at swimming?
  3. where do you rank in a group?
  4. what is your favourite group of colours?
  5. favorite foods?
  6. would you rather....
  7. what do you want to be?
  8. what do you want to be continued?
  9. how would you describe your body shape? be honest
  10. what did you think on my first quiz?

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Quiz topic: What will I be in my future life?