What will you be cursed with?

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Apparently you just angered a sorcerer, and trust me, when I say "angered" I'm not kidding. Anyways, this sorcerer thinks you should be cursed for being so rude. Good luck!

Also, some of these curses are pretty harsh so be prepared...Don't anger the sorcerer too much, it won't end up well for you... Now I'm just gonna jfewefjjefjfwjfjwejjfjwj

Created by: reverie
  1. How do you act around other people?
  2. On a scale of 1-10, how nice are you? 10 being really nice, 1 being very rude and mean.
  3. What do you like about yourself?
  4. What's one of your hobbies?
  5. Choose an item.
  6. Which one of these shows would you watch right now?
  7. Which one of these quotes do you agree with?
  8. What's one thing you value?
  9. Why is this sorcerer cursing you?
  10. Do you think you deserve this curse?

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Quiz topic: What will I be cursed with?
