What will happen to you in Animal Crossing: New Horizons 2?

We in da ocean even dough I poop on a chair in a talk show and call myself Mr. taskmaster so me get arrested for 7 years even dough dat is how old I am so me daddy and pal make yummy poop cookies, baked to a crisp with cream of tart.

Yayyyy! This is SOOOOO gory. Beware. But I hope you enjoy it! So, all of the answers are bad, but one is very nice. What will you get?????????????? I dunno!

Created by: Opal Bernstein
  1. Fav personality
  2. Dress or shirt ACNH?
  3. Dog or cat ACNH??
  4. Fav song is....
  5. Cake or ice cream?
  6. Is this funny? We in da ocean even dough I poop on a chair in a talk show and call myself Mr. taskmaster so me get arrested for 7 years even dough dat is how old I am so me daddy and pal make yummy poop cookies, baked to a crisp with cream of tart.
  7. Is Taylor Swift a celeb?
  8. Duck or bird?
  9. END!
  10. yuh

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