what will be your career

wanna know what your occupation will be? take this quiz and find out!

Created by: Raven Wilber
  1. do you love animals? aquatic, land or both?
  2. do you recycle? are you in favor of caring for the earth?
  3. are you caring? do you enjoy helping others and have great advice to all?
  4. are you full of adventure? do you enjoy helping others in an adventurous way?
  5. do you enjoy helping out humans? how?
  6. this will not affect your answer. will you rate this quiz, comment or no
  7. this will not affect you results. Did you like it?(my quiz)
  8. what is your fav color?
  9. what should my next quiz be ?
  10. ..... OK you will receive your results now XD

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Quiz topic: What will be my career