what wild kratt character are you

there are of people who like wild kratts aren't there? well your in luck what's wild kratts well it a half fiction and half non-fiction it a really good programme

come see who you are. which wild kratt team member are you are you Aviva, jimmy z , martin or chirs come see!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Michaela
  1. what colour hair do you have
  2. what colour eyes do you have
  3. what's your favourite colour
  4. what's your hobby
  5. who's your favourite
  6. would you like creature power
  7. (not in results)
  8. do you love animals
  9. (next few are not in resluts)
  10. (not in results) bye

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Quiz topic: What wild kratt character am I