What Weird School Character Are You? (Only for kids)

Thank you for taking my quiz, now you will see your result which are either Andrea or A.J. Now you can check out my other quiz which is Are You Like Eva (me).

Now I know that it is a kid quiz and you are a teen you can still take it, because of course you are still in school. So if you can, please tell you friends about this, I will enjoy it.

Created by: Eva
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How smart are you on a scale of 1-5?
  2. Do you like to skate on a skateboard
  3. Do you like to read?
  4. Do you have a weird school?
  5. Do you have a weird school?
  6. How many classes do you take after-school?
  7. Are you stupid?
  8. Do you like pink?
  9. Do you have one bf or 4 or more bff's?
  10. Are you going to comment on my quiz?

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Quiz topic: What Weird School Character am I? (Only for kids)