What wee superstar are you

WWE superstars please be only boys as there as no divas okay so yeah. and do not hack if you was to know how to please because this is my very first teat

LLlllldjgflgegyawekyyuawgoyuygouyguswgyuwyguwgkruykugyrhgiuaghilugrhkugirugukyauygkaguygkuyghuarihregyjgygjyehjvefghfgjyjrfgyfgyjgfjyhjfjgyfwjygfegyjfrjgyfrgyufr SPAM!

Created by: Thomas
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is you're fav finisher
  2. What's you're fav title
  3. Would you have fireworks in you're entrance
  4. What three words describe you
  5. Worst superstar ever
  6. Fav song type
  7. Most annoying superstar
  8. Facepaint
  9. You're fav show
  10. TNA?

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Quiz topic: What wee superstar am I