What Wedgie Do You Deserve?

So, either you're brave or you're being forced to take a quiz to see what wedgie you should get. You MUST have a friend give you your result, but maje the friend take it afterwards as payback.

What wedgie will you get? Public or private? Clothes on or just underwear? Anything else along with it? Will your friends be 'helping' you with the wedgie? Time to find out.

Created by: WedgieLover

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Have you had a wedgie before?
  2. What's your worst wedgie?
  3. Do you give or get?
  4. Pick a film.
  5. What underwear do you wear?
  6. How many wedgies have you had?
  7. Do you have friends in the room with you?
  8. If yes, make them take the quiz after you.
  9. Have you had a hanging wedgie before?
  10. Whatever wedgie your result says, you must have a friend give you.

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Quiz topic: What Wedgie do I Deserve?