What Website Are You?

Congraadulations, you were smart enough to make it to this page! Welcome to YoureaNoob.com, where everybody hates people who fail (including me) NOW DO THIS QUIZ OR ILL KILL YOU! . . . Have fun!

My quiz! Mine! If you don't pass, you will get a really really really rambaling speech at the end about me telling you how to live off on the internet. Anyways, have fun taking the quiz, blah, blah blah!!

Created by: Taylor
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What website do you usually visit daily?
  2. How many hours do you play on the compyter a day?
  3. Do you use the internet mostly to . . .
  4. Do you use Ebay to . . .
  5. Did you ever cyber (date) somebody through the internet?
  6. What email do you use?
  7. Name the website you know about: IMVU Google Wikipedia
  8. Have you lied about your age or gender on the internet-- DONT LIE!
  9. Did you ever break the rules on any website? (Spam, stalk, make duplicate accounts, ect.)
  10. Do you think some of these questions are useless to this quiz? o.o
  11. They arent . . .
  12. What wedsite do you prefer?
  13. Do you have your own website?

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Quiz topic: What Website am I?