What weather are you?

There are three weathers in this quiz. There is Sunny,Tornado,and Rain. This is my first second choice quiz! I hoped ya' will enjoy this quiz! Theres more down below!

Wich of the three are you? Well no longer wonder! With this quiz you figure out! So what are you afraid of? Take a deep breath and take the quiz! You will figure out the easiest way eva'!

Created by: SWEETSTUFF
  1. Your friend told your crush that you like em', how do you respond?
  2. You slipped and fell in front of your crush,he/she helps you up, what would ya do mon?
  3. Pick one,
  4. What to ya' do fa' fun.
  5. Favorite animal.
  6. What's ya religoin?
  7. Wet,Dry,or Dusty
  8. Ice cream, Umbrellas, or Trees
  9. Pick one,
  10. ;)

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Quiz topic: What weather am I?