What weapons class suits you best?

What weapons class are you? take this quiz to find out! Only three classes in this quiz at the moment, sorry! Credits, Made by: Tarlac Published by: Tarlac

What weapons class are you? take this quiz to find out! Only three classes in this quiz at the moment, sorry! Credits, Made by: Tarlac Published by: Tarlac

Created by: Tarlac
  1. Are you insane?
  2. Are you focused?
  3. Do you like explosives?
  4. place holder... the quiz is over, just filling in, the rest of the quiz wont mater, just pick any random one.
  5. 3
  6. 4
  7. 5
  8. 6
  9. 7
  10. 8
  11. Ok guys, my first quiz how would you rate it?

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Quiz topic: What weapons class suits me best?