What weapon would you have In soa

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The reason I made this quiz was because I kept searching for a quiz with the specific swords not just long sword or dagger so I made this so other people could have one also this is my first time making a quiz.

Also I might do naruto quizzes on sharingan and so keep watching for those so that you can see them all so yah comment on what you got if you don’t like the result do it again.

Created by: Kiritio fighter
  1. What kind of weapon do you like
  2. How would your friends describe you.
  3. What is your fighting technique
  4. What do you want to get
  5. You see a dungeon will you go alone or with your guild.
  6. You’re with your girlfriend or boyfriend where do you go.
  7. After you go there people attack you what do you do .
  8. You find Kirito hurt badly what do you do
  9. What do you do in your spare time
  10. Final question did you like this quiz.

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