What We Bare Bear Are You?

In this quiz you will answer questions to determine if you are Grizz the oldest in the we bare bears. Panda the technology bear or ice bear the youngest.

It will be ok if I am 100% wrong this quiz is just for fun you don't need to take it literally. If you want to create quizzes you will need to go Gotoquiz.

Created by: Allking kitty
  1. Who do you hate?
  2. What do you love?
  3. Who's the worst?
  4. Who's the best
  5. Who's the best background character?
  6. Who's the cutest?
  7. What's more likeable?
  8. Would you ...
  9. Are you the
  10. Would you do my other quizzes?

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Quiz topic: What We Bare Bear am I?
