What Water Pokemon Starter Are You?(gen1-8)

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Ever wondered what your inner water Pokémon starter is? It does not matter! After all you already clicked on this! Are you a timid Sobble? Or a playful Popplio? What about Froakie? Find out in this quiz!

Now if you want to try my others, I make one every day! So look for more Pokémon quizzes each day! I make a lot of personality tests, but rarely I make a real test like once per mouth! Now start the quiz! I will tape my mouth shut until you are done!

Created by: Giulia
  1. Which do you like best?
  2. What season do you like best?
  3. Why are you taking this test?
  4. What of the listed holidays is your favorite?
  5. What do you think of Pokémon?
  6. The next questions do NOT affect your score.(including this)
  7. What did you think of this?
  8. Answering the 2end answer to the last one: because these are so good! Trust me! I have done other personality tests!
  9. Will you try my other quizzes?
  10. You're done!

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Quiz topic: What Water Pokemon Starter am I?(gen1-8)
