What warriors clan are you from

Do you like warriors? Do you enjoy cats? Do you enjoy sucking Popsicles? This quiz will NOT answer it all!!!!!!!!!! Good luck on the quiz tho...........

good job. You are Michael Jordan certified for reading this text. My little pomegranate will love u forever. = ) thanks for taking this quiz. We apologize.

Created by: A person from Warriors
  1. What do you like more?
  2. What kind of land is your favorite
  3. What kind of cat is your favorite?
  4. What would you eat if you were. Cat
  5. What is your favorite color
  6. Which of these are you like
  7. have you read Warriors by Erin Hunter
  8. What cat would you rather be
  9. Do you like cats
  10. What is your favorite name?

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Quiz topic: What warriors clan am I from