What Warriors character are you?

I have absolutely no idea what to put on this thing! XD I was just bored and made a random quiz, I wonder if anybody will actually take it? XD Yeah, this paragraph sucks

Do you have what it takes to take my crap Warriors quiz? Are you Scourge, TigerStar, FireStar, or my own made-up character, JayStar? Btw if you get JayStar then you must be awesome! XD

Created by: TigerStar

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Are you a FireStar hater?
  2. Who should be deputy of ShadowClan?
  3. Which cat are you in love with?
  4. You see a kit being attacked by dogs, you...
  5. You see your leader being attacked by dogs, you...
  6. You see another one of your clanmates being picked on by some WindClan warriors, you...
  7. You're hunting for your clan, but when you kill a vole, a stray ShadowClan cat takes it from you. You...
  8. What's your fav color!! XD
  9. You see a kit wondering around your territory, you smell RiverClan coming from it, you...
  10. LAST QUESTION!!!!!! Are you a pinnapple? XD I couldn't help myself :3
  11. ok Last question For real this time The Dark Forrest is rising! What do you do?

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Quiz topic: What Warriors character am I?