What WARRIORS cat are you? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What WARRIORS cat are you?
This one was pretty good. I took another one that sucked because the answers for one were stupid except for one about pranks which I clicked and it said I was Tigerstar.
briste1 -
Firestar, I do tend to find myself as a loyal and brave warrior cat like he was and I also think I'd be a good leader if I had to become one for the clan too. Pawsome quiz mate.
I'm Firestar but I wish there were more results.
BTW I'm a girl. Throw in some she cats!
I LOVE Firestar! Heck,my username is Firestar86!
I'm a girl,though.My warrior name is Firebreeze.
I'm Firestarm with a little Tigerstar and Ravenpaw thrown in! :)
Angelfur1 -
i am firestar!
@briste - watch your mouth. their ARE some young ppl here, believe it or not.
Angelfur1 -
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