What WarriorCat are you most like?

There are four clans in the forest and they fight to keep there territory and prey.The names of the clans are:Thunderclan,Shadowclan,Windclan,and Riverclan.you can be them or a rogue.

What is YOUR clan?Are you brave and belive in Starclan?Do you want power and nothing else?Are you swift and loyal?Do you swim well?Do you like to be alone?Find out on this quiz and see witch clan you belong to!

Created by: Sierra
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What would you eat if you were a wild cat liveing in the forest or flatland?
  2. Do you belive in Starclan?If you dont know what Starclan is then read the warrior cat serise!!!!!!!!!or guess
  3. Witch clan do you like the best?
  4. Do you like trees?
  5. How many warrior cat books did you read?
  6. how fat are you?(this is required alot for the quiz thankyou for your time =) lie if you want)
  7. When is this test going to be over?
  8. do you like this quiz?
  9. im sorry because this is not the last question.do you hate me?
  10. how long are your nails?

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Quiz topic: What WarriorCat am I most like?