What Warrior Name Will You Have?(Warriors)

Are you a fan of Eric Hunter?Do you know about Warriors?What will you do if you are one of them? Will you be brave? Will you be noble?

Are you curious of your warrior name if you are a Clan cat? Will you live in a forest? Will you like to swim or eat fish? Check it out by doing this quiz!!!

Created by: Firestar
  1. Do you like fighting?
  2. Do you like living in the open?
  3. Do you like to be a leader,in peace with other Clans?(Less fighting)
  4. Do you like living in forests?
  5. Do you like swimming and eating fish?
  6. Will you always do what your leader says,even it is dangerous?
  7. Are you noble to your Clan?
  8. Will you turn your back against your Clan?
  9. Do you want to be a stray cat?(not belong to any Clan)
  10. Do you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What Warrior Name will I Have?(Warriors)