What warrior cats leader are you?

There are many good warriors. There are many dark warriors. To be a good warrior is to be loyal to your clan. To be a dark warrior is to let evil take over your heart.

Are YOU a good warrior? How bout' a dark one? If your a good one, may starclan light your path. But if your a dark one... Well... Goodbye...............

Created by: Firestar
  1. Role playing!!!!!!!
  2. .. Your walking through your territory with your mate. A bunch of rogues come and start attacking you both. What do you do? ..
  3. Okay, now questions!
  4. Which color?
  5. Which cat?
  6. Which herb?
  7. Which do you prefer?
  8. 3 questions left!
  9. Say something usin' the word "dark"
  10. BAIII!!!!!

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Quiz topic: What warrior cats leader am I?