What Warrior Cats Clan are you in?

Hi! I've been reading this awesome series called Warriors for a while now and it's really good! This series was created by Erin Hunter. So I've decided to make this quiz!

I hope you enjoy because I spent a lot of time and effort into making this so I would really appreciate it if u left a good review. If u have any questions or have to report a bug leave a comment and I'll fix it.

Created by: thatdsmpfan of Boredom Youtube
(your link here more info)
  1. Which of these genres is your favorite?
  2. Ur the leader of ur Clan, and a patrol has just returned to camp and informed u that a neighboring Clan’s patrol attacked them without cause. What do u do?
  3. U have the day off-whatcha wanna do?
  4. Where would u live, if u had a choice?
  5. Are u a leader or a follower?
  6. Ur leader has ordered u to fight in a battle that u believe to be pointless. What do u do?
  7. R u a morning bird or a night owl?
  8. Would u rather live in difficult truth or a blissful ignorance?
  9. R u a Lone Wolf or a Social Butterfly?
  10. R u a true Warriors fan?

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Quiz topic: What Warrior Cats Clan am I in?

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