What Warrior Cats clan are you?

Have you ever wondered " What warrior cats clan should i be in?" Have you ever wondered where you can find a quiz that can help you find yourself a clan?

Well take this quiz to find out what clan you should be in! Are you a shadow, river, thunder, wind or sky member? Find out now! And don't forget to check out the other quizzes on GoToQuiz!

Created by: Jade Rosethorn
  1. 1. Where would you stay if you were a cat?
  2. 2. Which one of these 'Stars' would you want as leader?
  3. 3. Characteristics?
  4. 4. Do you believe in an afterlife/ heaven?
  5. 5. What clan do you want to get?
  6. 6. Did you enjoy this quiz?
  7. 7. JK, that's not the end, but I have to do at least 10 questions, so... Fate?
  8. 8. Questions 5, 6 and 7 do not affect your answer
  9. 9. Neither does this question or the 10th question!
  10. 10. Quick fill in meme question: do u know __ ___?

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Quiz topic: What Warrior Cats clan am I?
