What Warrior Cats character are you?

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This is a test to show you what Warrior Cat you are. If you feel like you are one, you should take this quiz now! I will reveal your secrets that are hiding within...

Please take this quiz if you have a wild heart and ignore if you are a scaredy cat. Heh, fits you if you don't take it. I hope you do take it. Take a seat and enjoy!

Created by: Bluestar
  1. Hello, welcome to my quiz! This quiz will reveal what Warrior Cat fits the best for you!
  2. So first question. Why do you think the Warrior Code is important?
  3. How would you describe yourself?
  4. Why do you think you are good Warrior Cat?
  5. Do you hate Warrior Cats?
  6. How would your friends think about you?
  7. Why do you like Warrior Cats?
  8. What is your hair color?
  9. What do you like?
  10. What is your eye color?

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Quiz topic: What Warrior Cats character am I?
