What Warrior Cat Role Are You? (No kits, elders or apps!)

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This was my first time making a quiz, so plz no hate! I hope you have an amazing day/night! Also, if anything bad is going on where you are, I promise things will get better! ❤

This quiz is to see what clan roles you get, apprentices, elders and kits are not included! Also, I probably will be making more quizzes too!! 😎 Enjoy!!!

Created by: gianna
  1. What would you’re friends describe you as?
  2. What do you enjoy most?
  3. Who’s your favorite Warriors Cat?
  4. What is your least favorite school subject?
  5. How was this quiz?
  6. Now, what else describes you?
  7. What role do you enjoy most in WCUE (Warrior Cats Ultimate Edition)?
  8. What can’t a med cat do? (I was running out of ideas!)
  9. Favorite school subject? (Still out of ideas sry)
  10. Lastly, what was your opinion on this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What Warrior Cat Role am I? (No kits, elders or apps!)
