What warrior cat are you? (READ DESCRIPTION OF YOUR CAT!)

the possible results are jayfeather, leafpool, dovewing, tigerstar(heart), mistystar and brackenfur. this quiz tells what warrior cat matches your personality. IMPORTANT: read the ENTIRE description for whatever cat you get!

PLZ READ DESCRIPTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks so much! comment your cat ;) I hope you like it! like for more! byeeeeeeee! thanks again for your support!

Created by: melanie
  1. you see a sick loner in your territory. What do you do?
  2. if you could have kits, what clan is the father\mother in?
  3. are you depressed
  4. what is your position!
  5. male or female?
  6. what is your clan?
  7. would you listen to the leader?
  8. did you train in the dark forest?
  9. will you go to star clan?
  10. say you become leader, who are you most likely to get 1 of your 9 lives from?

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Quiz topic: What warrior cat am I? (READ DESCRIPTION OF my CAT!)
