What warrior cat are you?Quiz

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Hy, it's me again and now I'm making quizzes how I used to make them before I became a GTQ user.So I hope you will enjoy my new quiz and that you will like it.

So let's get into our quiz and find out who are you from "Warrior cats", are you Firestar, Graystripe, Snowfur or Blustar.So lets find out right now in this quiz!👇

Created by: Hermiony
  1. so how much do you talk per a day?
  2. How many times did you lose battle?
  3. What would be your name end?
  4. What would be your name beginning?
  5. Ware you a kittypet?
  6. Do you know about the game "Castle Cats"?
  7. What would be your fur coat colour?
  8. Would you say that you have a BIG heart?
  9. Are you bold(not like bold like no hair!)?
  10. What is your power?
  11. What day ou think about this liric from the song "Youth" by Daughter:"One day, we'll reveal the truth That one will die before he gets there"?
  12. Promise me that you will go to Youtube after taking this quiz and search "Youth~Snowfur AMV"!

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Quiz topic: What warrior cat am I?Quiz
